A large pair of Royal Academy male nude pencil drawings

This very large pair of male nudes are breathtaking, each at 120cm tall. Newly framed and glazed, stamped with the Royal Academy RA punch. Likely mid-century or earlier. This pair are signed on the reverse ‘Mary Caroline H Stevens’ (no longer visible). These original sketches are magnificent and make a beautiful statement.



119cm x 75cm

Aperture of actual sketch 73cm x 46cm


Condition: Please note that there are both wear and markings to the artwork, commensurate with age. Where there are specific points to note we will detail these as far as possible but please be aware that all our items have wear commensurate with age and are as seen in the photographs. If you require any specific information please do not hesitate to get in contact.


Collection only

Please note: This item cannot be shipped but we have an excellent and competitive bespoke courier service. Please email us for more information or a quote. 

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