A wooden ebonised fairground distortion mirror

These mirrors are individually priced, with three available separately. Just choose your quantity at checkout, and message with your choice of distortion (convex, rippled, or concave).

This superb ‘hall of mirrors’ style distortion mirror creates fantastic reflections!

Housed in a hand painted matt black case, these look super stylish wall mounted and would make an excellent feature. They can also be left freestanding in whatever orientation- portrait or landscape- you prefer. They look stunning together in a pair or trio, for maximum impact.

The mirror plate is acrylic so is safe and lightweight, with nicely detailed wooden casings.

We currently have three available:

Convex: bows outward


Concave: bows inward

Please contact us when you place your order with your chosen style.



All approximate

Height 54cm

Width 36cm

Depth 11cm


Condition: Where there are specific points to note we will detail these as far as possible but please be aware that all our items have wear commensurate with age and are as seen in the photographs. If you require any specific information please do not hesitate to get in contact. 

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