A Liberty of London faux leopard skin rug

An absolutely wonderful, superbly stylish faux leopard taxidermy rug.

These incredibly stylish rugs are so hard to come by, and they look equally good on the floor, wall mounted, or draped over a bed or chair.

Tibetan in style, and handmade in the most detailed crewel pattern. 100% wool/black cotton backing.

This style of rug was retailed by Liberty’s of London and the quality is exceptional.



208cm overall length

Body length excluding tail 139cm

Width across front legs 116cm

Width across back legs 110cm


Condition: Where there are specific points to note we will detail these as far as possible but please be aware that all our items have wear commensurate with age and are as seen in the photographs. If you require any specific information please do not hesitate to get in contact.



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